Emergency & Protective Services

Emergency & Protective Services

Listed on the left are the various sections related to how residents in North Glengarry are protected and cared for by our community's emergency services personnel.

 By-law Officer
  • The Township's By-law Officer provides animal control and regulatory enforcement services across North Glengarry. 

DIAL 613-551-1823 or Email the By-law Officer

 Fire Services
  • Fire services in North Glengarry are provided by three Fire Districts in Alexandria, Apple Hill and Maxville

DIAL 911 for any emergency calls

 Police Services 
  • Policing services in North Glengarry are provided by the North Glengarry detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). 
  • Open Monday to Friday from 8:15am - 4:30pm
  • General calls and inquiries can be directed to 1-888-310-1122

DIAL 911 for any emergency calls

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