
Township services are delivered by staff in seven different departments or sections, overseen by a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) reporting to Township Council. An overview of the services in each area is provided below. 

Administration and Finance

CAO / Clerk 

The CAO acts as an important liaison with Township Council, implementing the policy direction from Council and managing the personnel.  The Deputy Clerk and CAO Clerk can act as a commissioner of oaths and manage the marriage license process and death certificates. The Clerk and Deputy Clerk also track and maintain decisions, agenda and minutes of all Committee amend Council meetings.  

Treasury Department

The Treasury Department is tasked with managing all the finances of the corporation, including the processing of tax and water payments, debt financing and providing strategic financial advice to the CAO and Council. 

Open a new window to view the Treasury Department's Budget and Report webpage.

Open a new window to view the Property Taxes webpage.

Open a new window to view the Water & Sewer Taxes and Information webpage.

Community Services


The Community Services Department oversees the Recreation Services and the Economic Development & Communication Services. This Department maintains key recreational facilities and develops programming to maintain the unsurpassed quality of life in North Glengarry. This department also coordinates special events and liaises with countless community groups that use and maintain municipal facilities to support the Township efforts. The main facilities include the arena in Maxville, the Indoor Sports Complex in Alexandria and the Island Park and Sandfield Centre; however, the department also works with various recreation associations to maintain outdoor rinks, soccer pitches and baseball diamonds, as well as any related special programming.

Open a new window to view the Recreation Centres and Sportsfields webpage.

Open a new window to view the Recreation Programs webpage.

Economic Development

In addition, The Community Services Deparment is also responsible for the economic development portfolio of the Township, securing the support needed from external agencies, if needed, and mobilizing the resources necessary to stimulate investment and act on opportunities as they arise. 

Open a new window to view the Economic Development webpage.

Emergency Services

Fire Department

North Glengarry's Fire Department is made up of a large contingent of dedicated volunteers spanning the Township's three (3) different fire stations. Each station has a Fire chief and a complement of approx. 30 firefighters. The Fire service is well equipped with modern equipment and considerable training programs. The fire stations deliver fire suppression, inspection and education services as well as first medical response and extrication support for vehicle accidents. Fire stations are located in Alexandria, Apple Hill and Maxville.   

Open a new window to view the Fire Department webpage.

Open a new window to view the Burn Permit webpage.

Open a new window to view the Emergency Planning webpage

Planning and Enforcement

Building, Planning and By-law Enforcement Department

The Building, Planning and By-law Enforcement Department is responsible for ensuring that any new construction in the Township complies with the Ontario Building Code and all other applicable laws. The department also oversees most planning and zoning matters and property standards. They also enforce the municipal by-laws within the Township as well as Animal Control.

Open a new window to view the Animal Control webpage.

Open a new window to view the Applications, Forms, Permits and Licenses webpage.


Public Works

The Township's Public Works Department oversees critical infrastructure like roads, bridges, water and waste water treatment and distribution, as well as the Township's recycling plant. The Public Works Department will post notices in the Public Notices section for any water main breaks or major road work. The department is well resourced and equipped to deliver quality essential services to North Glengarry residents.     

Open a new window to view the Roads webpage.

Open a new window to view the Water & Sewer Taxes and Information webpage.



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