The above link provides access to forms for:
Building Permit Applications
Zoning By-law Amendments
Official Plan Amendments
Consent Applications (Severances)
Site Plan Control
Temporary Use By-law
The Comprehensive Zoning By-law is a document that regulates the use of land and the erection of buildings and structures within the Township of North Glengarry.
For additional information on zoning by-laws, click the following link to access the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Citizen’s Guide to Zoning By-Laws (PDF).
The link above opens an external window to a GIS (Geographic Information System) Zoning Map for the Township of North Glengarry. To view the Zoning for a specific property, click on 'Community Map,' type the address in the top, left corner and click on the subject property. For a full Guide on how to use the Interactive Zoning map click here.
To watch a video of the Zoning By-Law and Official Plan Designation Webinar, click here.
To find the Official Plan designation for a property of interest, please use the Interactive Community Maps and click on the 'Official Plan In-effect' tab. For a user guide click here.
For additional information, contact the Building & Planning Assistant by email or by telephone at 613-525-1116 or the Planner by email or telephone at 613-209-0201.